Monday, May 11, 2015

Info from Mother's Day skype

Due to Elder Bartlett's companion being ill this last week there was not a email sent, but here are a few things he said in his skype to his parents and a few previous pics he has sent.

He was able to skype from a members house using a lap top computer that was shared by several of the elders and sister missionaries that day.  They were all able to talk with their families for about an hour each at different times.
Elder Bartlett and his companion have not been able to work much and have been staying at their pension (apartment). His companion has been sick for about a week with constipation & throwing up and they have been to a clinic but he is still not well and has 3 more weeks before he finishes his mission and goes home. They were talking about going to the hospital this week to have him checked out.

The town of Rawson is more city like than his previous areas and warmer since it is farther north. Unfortunately their investigator, that went home to explain his wanting to get baptized to his mother, did not come back and they are afraid that he will go back to his old ways.  His friends there were not a good influence.  In Rawson they have a ward there and he is enjoying the members and the work when they are able to get out.

Here are a few pics that he sent from the time he was in El Calafate and Ushuaia.
on the shore of Lago Argentino by El Calagate

Elder Bartlett taking a break

El Calafate has mostly dirt roads, drying out his shoes

getting creative with his food

Elder Bartlett in an abandon home in El Calafate

Elder Bartlett & Elder Russell helping with lunch

graffiti wall near Ushuaia with Elder Sirrine

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