Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Don't have much time

Hola Familia y Amigos,

I don't have much time, we need to get back to the pension soon. I am writing today because yesterday was a holiday! I saw a super cool gaucho and morgo parade!

Most everything is alright here, kind of. We finally had an investigator at church yesterday! He really enjoyed the principles of the gospel class.

Well, I'm still alive and this will be my last week with Elder Sarmiento before he leaves for home in Chile!

Love you all, hope all is well.

Elder Bartlett

Monday, May 18, 2015

Rawson Argentina, sick Sarmiento

Hello my good people,

I apologize for not writing last week. My companion was sick, the cyber was closed, and I talked to my parents the day before so... sorry I figured the most important was already covered for the week! By the way, my companion is not sick anymore, he is feeling much better.

Speaking of calling, Happy Be-Lated Mother's Day!! To all you great mothers out there that have made a huge difference in my life and in the world! To be a mother is a sacred obligation not to be taken lightly and to be respected by all.

Today was really cool. We recieved word that the sister missionary that taught my companion lives in Puerto Madryn, a city close to our area. So with permission from the president, we searched her out and happily surprised her with a visit from her convert of 14-years past! She was very grateful. We also took some cool pictures while looking for whales that we never found... oh well.

The baptism that we almost had left back to his home. He was just visiting his aunt in Rawson, but has since moved back to Trebelin. I hope and pray he still gets baptized.

Due to my companion's illness, we couldn't leave the pension for a week. After making banana bread, budin de pan, cleaning everything, and helping my companion, I got bored. I started reading the Book of Mormon, Preach My Gospel,     and listening to conference. I learned so much! My testimony grew leaps and bounds, but I soon realized I still lacked something. For as much as I knew all the things I was learning, I was able to apply them. It really grew my understanding of the Plan of Salvation and our purpose here on earth. Before we came here, we learned all of... everything I would imagine. Our spirit knows what we should do, but we are here on this earth to make that knowledge part of us. Life is hard, but as we go at it with gospel priciples in mind and a desire to grow and change, it will be so much more rewarding.

Until next week, love,

Elder Bartlett

Monday, May 11, 2015

Info from Mother's Day skype

Due to Elder Bartlett's companion being ill this last week there was not a email sent, but here are a few things he said in his skype to his parents and a few previous pics he has sent.

He was able to skype from a members house using a lap top computer that was shared by several of the elders and sister missionaries that day.  They were all able to talk with their families for about an hour each at different times.
Elder Bartlett and his companion have not been able to work much and have been staying at their pension (apartment). His companion has been sick for about a week with constipation & throwing up and they have been to a clinic but he is still not well and has 3 more weeks before he finishes his mission and goes home. They were talking about going to the hospital this week to have him checked out.

The town of Rawson is more city like than his previous areas and warmer since it is farther north. Unfortunately their investigator, that went home to explain his wanting to get baptized to his mother, did not come back and they are afraid that he will go back to his old ways.  His friends there were not a good influence.  In Rawson they have a ward there and he is enjoying the members and the work when they are able to get out.

Here are a few pics that he sent from the time he was in El Calafate and Ushuaia.
on the shore of Lago Argentino by El Calagate

Elder Bartlett taking a break

El Calafate has mostly dirt roads, drying out his shoes

getting creative with his food

Elder Bartlett in an abandon home in El Calafate

Elder Bartlett & Elder Russell helping with lunch

graffiti wall near Ushuaia with Elder Sirrine

Monday, May 4, 2015

So Close!

We almost were about to have a baptism this Sunday. Our investigator, a cousin to a member-family that he has been staying will here in Rawson, wants to go back to his home in Trebelin, and explain to his mom what he is doing. She doesn't understand what is happening, and is afraid for her son. So he is going to go home, show her how much he has changed (a ton), and explain to her what had brought this wonderful change about. I just pray he comes back.

It really has been amazing to see the difference the gospel and the atonement has made for this person. He came from a dark life, and has completely changed. I see a light in his eyes, and he has a great hope for the future.

That is what the gospel does. It gives you hope, it gives you purpose, it shows you that anything is possible if we put our trust in God. It isn't easy, but it is so worth it.

I am doing well with Spanish, my problem isn't that I don't understand, it's just that sometimes I don't listen. I find it really hard to focus, so I miss stuff sometimes. I zone out pretty often because the people here, bless their souls, just talk and talk and talk. It helps because we know everything they are going through, but it puts me to sleep!

All of my things are holding up for now. I try to keep my shoes in good condition. I've been putting my mattress on the floor because the head and foot boards make it difficult to sleep comfortably.

In all, I'm am doing well. I feel really good and hopeful for the future. I had a little break down about 2 weeks ago, and was doubting everything, but a talk about faith in the Liahona and a little video I believe my companion had really helped me out.

I love everyone back home! Thanks for your support, it is much appreciated, and much needed. Have a great Mothers day, to all those great mothers out there. The future depends on you!
Elder Bartlett and a dog in El Calafate

Hey Dad you still need to take me hunting, and you both still owe me a surfing lesson in Hawaii! Ha ha!

Love, Elder Bartlett